Viagra Link Test: One Year Later

4 Jul

Ok, this will be the last post that contains the word viagra for at least a month. I promise. But after reading and answering Marty’s comment earlier today, I noticed something funny.

About a year ago, I tried to see if it’s possible to get Matt Cutts’ blog ranked for a viagra related keyword. Within a few days after adding a link with ‘buy cheap viagra online’ as the anchor text, Matt’s blog ranked third for that phrase.

Of course, within a two days Matt dropped several places and after a day or four, he “somehow” disappeared from the first 200 results. After these drops, I removed the link from my blogroll, but Sebastian didn’t. When I re-checked the rankings today, I noticed that Matt was back in the SERPs. He even ranks first, for crying out loud! Probably (I know this isn’t a solid test) because Sebastian’s link and page have aged now.

Apparently, in stead of spamming, you should start an anti-webspam blog if you want to rank for viagra related keywords :)

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