Archive by Author

Link Building this Week (52.2008)

24 Dec

The days before (and right after) Christmas are usually pretty quiet for those who still have to work. No nagging clients, barely any interesting blog posts or news items and no one responds to your emails. This means you’ll probably have plenty of time to take Garrett French’ Link Building Style Quiz or to read […]

Link Building this Week (51.2008)

19 Dec

Gyutae Park wrote a good post about making every link count for your SEO. The article, which was later followed-up by the opinions of 6 link builders/ SEOs, contains some good tips, but it all comes back to keeping it natural and diversifying your efforts. Out of all bad link marketing KPIs and metrics, a […]

SEO Motivators

19 Dec

Hey, it’s nearly Christmas AND it’s Friday, so it’s definitely time for some SEO humor. With special thanks to the DIY Motivator tool. If you can’t get enough, Digital Heretix published a couple in the past as well.

Starting Up a Link Marketing Campaign

17 Dec

Starting up a link marketing campaign is easy. Thorough preparation before starting up a link marketing campaign is often neglected, however.  By thinking everything well through in a structured way, you dramatically improve the chances of your link marketing campaign being successful. Make a snapshot of the start You’ll never know what you’ve achieved if […]

Link Building this Week (50.2008)

12 Dec

We all know that a successfully performed linkbait campaign can bring in links by the dozens, hundreds or maybe even thousands. There’s a difference between knowing and doing, however. This is why reading about brainstorming for topics and igniting the campaign (which includes using social media) might be useful. And also: Laura Alter shared link […]

Time flies, things change

12 Dec

Although it just seems like yesterday, it’s already been a year since my son Liam was born. While some folks already told me that this would definitely change my life in an amazing and unbelievable way, I’ve now experienced that this is so, so, so very true. Liam’s changed from a small baby into a […]