Link Building this Week (Nov. 23)

23 Nov

It is/ was Thanksgiving in the US, which means it’s been a quiet week this week. However, like every other week there are always at least a few link building related posts worth mentioning. The first one is Roger Montti’s post about building links to a new site, which includes a few advantages that a […]

Loads of natural links to your shopping website in 4 easy steps

22 Nov

“But I just have a regular shopping website” is probably one of the most common excuses from BtoC shopping websites I’ve heard for not having a lot of links. Obtaining links to a “regular shopping website” is probably one of the easiest things to do, though. If you manage to get your processes right, you […]

Link Building this Week (Nov. 17)

17 Nov

Last week, several lists with link building techniques popped up, with a total of over 200 tips. Make sure to check out (in no particular order) these 114 tips, 12 tactics for 2008, 10 ways to build free links (and 10 more), 100+ link strategies and 17 creative ideas. And also: The Linkbait debate: is […]

10 More Ways to Build Links Without Buying Them

15 Nov

Loren Baker provided 10 great tips to build links without buying them, but there’s still plenty of room left for even more free link building tactics. Here’s a list of another 10 useful tactics that might work for you. 1. Interviews Getting yourself interviewed by a local journalist, a specialist from your market or some […]

FUD: amazingly effective…

14 Nov

Aaron Wall wrote up a great post about Google and shopping comparison websites. In his post, he also mentions the current drop in traffic/ rankings of “I am uncertain if the drop in Google was algorithmic or editorial, but BizRate’s Alexa ranking is off sharply over the past couple weeks, and if you look […]

Optimizing the speed and quality of your link process

12 Nov

Building links can be a quite intensive and time consuming process. Because emailing with webmasters, negotiating terms of link placements and monitoring the progress of your campaign takes such an amount of time, you barely have time to build content. In stead of creating some excellent, in depth articles, you’ll settle with writing multiple articles […]