
26 Jul

I know this must be something like the 862nd way-too-positive post about StumbleUpon, but it really is one of my favourite websites. It rocks for serving me great, fun and relevant websites when I start stumbling. It especially rocks for bringing me lots and lots of visitors. Even though I received links from websites like SearchEngineLand and SEOBook this week, StumbleUpon still is my #1 referer. Some of my other websites and also a few client websites manage to receive thousands of visitors from SU monthly.

A common misconception is that StumbleUpon users are nothing but one-page surfers. While a part of the stumbling visitors only see a single page and leave, the linkerati also seem to use the nifty toolbar. One of my very first posts was only submitted to StumbleUpon, but managed to show up on several other pages, including a few very cool ones.

One of the most important things to keep in mind, is that StumbleUpon users are quite visual. Adding a single or a few cool, funny or relevant images improves the stumbleability of a page drastically.

Cameron Olthuis wrote up a great post about how to get traffic from SU recently and you can find even more StumbleUpon tips at DoshDosh, SEOptimise, BlogAnything and Del.ici.ous.
A must read is the post at SEJ, which offers a few great tips. One of these tips is that you really have to stumble posts, pages or website that link to your page or site. More traffic to their website can lead into more traffic to yours as well.

So if you haven’t checked out StumbleUpon (what I can’t imagine), go ahead and sign up.

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  1. in audio: Odiogo | - July 27, 2007

    […] this week, I StumbledUpon Michelle MacPhearson’s blog (see, it works). On her blog, I noticed a weird plugin next to the PlugIM and Sphinn buttons. When I clicked it, I […]