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SEO Motivators

19 Dec

Hey, it’s nearly Christmas AND it’s Friday, so it’s definitely time for some SEO humor. With special thanks to the DIY Motivator tool. If you can’t get enough, Digital Heretix published a couple in the past as well.

What Exactly is a Paid Link?

5 Feb

Well, Google says it’s up to Aaron Wall to decide…

Check Your Spelling, Even on a Phishing Trip!

6 Jan

Sometimes even deleting SPAM can be just hilarious. After opening my inbox, I found these two magnificent emails waiting right next to each other. The first one is “Paypal” sending me ‘You’re Billing information‘. The second one wishes me a Marry Christmas. On January 6th. I’m not saying that my grammar is perfect, but checking […]

Index THIS, Google!

12 Nov

It’s pretty important to keep up with Google’s latest trends, changes and technologies if you want to achieve top rankings. If you’re able to get in front of Google’s technologies, that would be even better. With the almighty Google being capable of indexing almost anything and with Google Earth in mind, here’s my try on […]

How to explain what SEO and Link Building is to your non-geek friends

28 Sep

Warning: this is a typical Friday afternoon post. A few weeks ago, I read Rebecca’s rant about the fact that she’s not working for Google. How recognizable. When I tell people I am a Link Marketer, they immediately assume that I’m either the reason of all blog comment spam, or I’m involved in some shady […]

A spammer with a conscience

28 Aug

When I wanted to clear the comment spam Akismet blocked during this week, I spotted something very funny: a spammer with a conscience. I guess he’s having second thoughts about spamming the hell out of bloggers with his used car spam sites :)