Wiep.net Redesign

14 Aug

When I started this blog little over a year ago, I set only little expectations. No specific targets but having fun writing about SEO and link building and improving my (English) writing skills. Although my writing skills remain far from perfect (I’d give myself a “that’ll do”), they certainly have improved and I’m still having fun maintaining this blog.

Recently, when I evaluated my first year of blogging, I decided to set some additional goals. The first of these goals has been accomplished today; being able to publish dark text on a light background.
Although the current design looked pretty nice (at least to me) a year ago, the readability kept bugging me more and more over time, as a dark background is even considered to be a usability sin.

The design still isn’t completely finished yet, but considering the former readability and the little amount of time that I have on my hands right now, I decided to push it a little bit. I will keep on tweaking it though, reading tips from guys like WordPress Joost and Richard Baxter really helped a lot and they will keep providing a lot of future work.

So, what do you think? Is the new one design better than the old one?

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