Link Building this Month (11.2009)

3 Dec

With Halloween, Thanksgiving and even the other upcoming holidays in sight, November usually is a slow month in terms of finding high quality articles. And last month wasn’t any different. Wordstream’s interview series and Ari Ozick’s excellent interview with Deb Mastaler made up for it a little bit, though.

Also, Garrett French’ compilation of dozens of very useful advanced search link building queries was an excellent read. I’m pretty sure that nearly anybody would find at least one new query he or she didn’t think of yet.  And if you didn’t: how about keeping track of (relevant) companies going out of business in your neighborhood, and checking out their link profiles? :)

Everybody and their dog knows that having good content improves your chances of getting good links, but how do you come up with good ideas? Of course, analyzing success stories is a good starting strategy, and from their on, it’s basically just thinking outside the box.

And also:


PS – If you think I missed one or more interesting link building articles last month, feel free to mention it in the comments ;)

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