Link Building this Month (06.2010)

5 Jul

“Link building is becoming more difficult lately. People don’t link out anymore and Twitter is polluting the link graph. Oh, and Google isn’t treating my links they way they should.” This seems to be the consensus on various blogs, forums and even Twitter, but I can’t say I agree with it.

Actually, I even think that link building has become more easy, and especially a lot more fun during the past few years. Sure, it can be different to build links to certain types of websites, and some industries are more polluted with bad links than the Gulf of Mexico currently is with oil, but this just asks for more creativity.

Thinking outside the box, evaluating success from the past, building relationships, or even thinking a bit past the usual tactics while avoiding the most common pitfalls can bring you quite far. In other words: there’s no such thing as advanced link building – it’s simply a mix between creativity, logical thinking and persistence (sometimes with a little bit of help).

And also:

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