Link Building this Week (12.2008)

21 Mar

One of the favorite days in the year of every linkbaiter is coming up, so expect to see some great examples of masterbait real soon. Don’t know what I’m talking about? April Fools, of course! I can assure you that Peter van der Graaf and Patrick Altoft aren’t the only ones preparing stuff :)

David Naylor showed a few examples of websites that have been exposed for selling links pretty blatantly. Non of them show a (big) decrease in traffic, but buying links has never been so cheap and never been so risky. Besides David, it seems that more and more people are looking at paid links from a different perspective than, say, a year ago. Others are looking for solutions to hide their paid links (nice one, Gab :) ) and it’s advisable to look for more defensive options as well.

And also:

And from the SES NY:

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