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Link Building: Just Another Popularity Game

13 Jul

You can come up with all the explanations you want, but link building basically is nothing more but a popularity game. (click to enlarge) Infographic by, which is the Dutch company I run together with Martijn.

How to Create World Link Maps With Majestic SEO & Google Spreadsheets

4 Jun

Managers love visuals. Nice charts, infographics or pivot tables make excellent excuses for not having to actually *read* those long reports or documents. And since link building reports tend to be packed with data, they love to see something visually appealing every few pages to give their eyes some rest. A possible chart that could […]

Link Building is All About Answering One Question

12 May

When it comes to link building, people tend to overestimate and over-analyze the entire process. Although the dozens of link building tools out there definitely can be useful, and many advanced factors can come into play, the essence of link building all comes down to answering one single question; Why? Image via Jody Miller Yes, […]

Link Building for Image Rich Websites

8 Apr

Link building can be relatively easy or pretty difficult, depending on the industry, the type of website and the content. One type of website I have always felt is quite easy to promote, is an image rich website. Images tell stories, images trigger emotions and images are usually non-commercial, which means they have everything a […]

Link Building this Month (03.2010)

1 Apr

Compared to last month, it’s been relatively quiet in terms of link building articles. I guess lots of people were just too busy, crafting their April Fools jokes in an attempt to get some extra links :) A must-read for any SEO is Eric Enge’s interview with Matt Cutts. He confirms a lot of things […]

What if link requests were honest?

12 Feb

Everybody who owns a website gets them, and usually several a week: link requests. Especially when your site jumps to a PageRank of 5 or higher, all kinds of webmasters suddenly seem to feel that their website is related to yours. And since they are, why not swap links, right? Over the years, I must […]