7 ways to not pronounce my name correctly

16 Jul

Personal branding is hot. Really hot. Because my personal brand value of close to zilch, I guess it’s more important to get my brand name pronounced right.

I know Wiep is only a four letter word, but I can imagine that it’s quite hard to pronounce it if you don’t know how. The Dutch language can be a bitch.
Wiep is pronounced as ‘cheap’, but without the ch. Now mix the ‘eap’ with a combination of a V and a W (like some sort of Russian V). That’s it. V/W-eap.

Do you want to know how not to pronounce my name? There are 7 ways after the jump.

Because it still can be difficult to pronounce (it actually is really easy, but I don’t want to make you feel bad if you still can’t do it correctly), so here are 7 ways of not to pronounce my name correctly.

I’m not from Tzadjikistan, you know?

I don’t want to get associated with a sweeping motion.

Building a brand gets rid of lots of these.

Not even close.

I do get these a lot, though.

I wish.

Imagine your girlfriend’s seven foot ex-husband saying this…

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