SEO Diver

Tool name: SEO Diver
Company behind the tool: Abakus Internet Marketing
Type of tool: Various SEO and link building tools
Costs: $159/ month
Description: Analysis, Research and Link tools

About the tool

The German internet marketing agency Abakus are working on a full-range SEO toolkit, which includes ranking analysis and keyword research features. This collection of tools, called SEO Diver, is still in beta, so new functionalities are being added regularly. At this moment, SEO Diver contains seven separate link building tools, which all use data from Yahoo!, Bing and Abakus’ own crawl activities.

Some of SEO Diver’s link building tools are similar to other link building tools, or offer similar features. For example, SEO Book, Majestic SEO, SEOmoz and Link Research Tools all provide something similar to SEO Diver’s Hub Finder, while OSE can show you the same redirect data as the LinkRedirect Tool does.

SEO Diver also has some unique angles, such as the Backlinks Trust Points tool, which not only checks existing powerful links to a website, but goes up to 3 link levels higher. Other useful tools are BackFront, which identifies home pages that link to a specific websites (to determine unnatural link patterns) and Backlink Verification, which allows you to verify Yahoo! or Google Webmaster Tools backlink data.


The SEO Diver toolkit


SEO Diver also has a hub finder, click to enlarge


Find authorities in your niche with WebAuthorities, click to enlarge


Backlink Trust Points checks links up to three levels deep, click to enlarge


A BackFront report (linking home pages only) of JCPenney, click to enlarge

My Opinion

For a link builder like me, the tools are somewhat pricey, as I’d mainly use SEO Diver’s link building tools, and some of these tools can be found elsewhere as well.

However, if you’re looking for an all-round tool, SEO Diver might definitely be worth the $159/mo. I think that the analysis and research tools clearly are the strongest assets of SEO Diver. For example, the keyword data in the keyword research tool is unique and not affiliated with any public API or any other search engine.

Please note that SEO Diver is still in beta, and that Abakus is still improving their (link building) toolkit regularly.


Rating: 70/100
Pros: – Intuitive layout
– Some of the link building tools can provide interesting insights
Cons: – Most of the tools are not unique (or at least better than the original)
– Some of the tools and functions could use some more explanation
– If you only need the link building tools, SEO Diver is somewhat pricey
– Owned by an internet marketing agency

Check out all the other link building tools I’ve reviewed too!